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Tinnitus Clinic

Specialists in Tinnitus Recovery

By Appointment Only

 +61 8 8333 1010

John Wibrow - Director

Master of Science (King's College London) - Applied Neuroscience (MSc)

Master of Social Science (UniSA) - Counselling Studies (MSSc)

Bachelor of Health Science (UniSA) - Clinical Health Science (BHSc)

Registered Clinical Counsellor - Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)

Member, Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia (ANSA)

Member, International Society for Neuroregulation & Research (ISNR)

Fellow - Institute of Managers & Leaders (FIML)


Welcome to the Tinnitus Clinic, a specialist provider of professional tinnitus treatment services aimed at reducing your perception of tinnitus and associated distress.


The founding principals John Wibrow and Marta Lohyn have collectively over 40 years of experience in counselling, psychotherapy, hypnosis and tinnitus management. You can therefore expect to receive compassion, understanding, and therapeutically beneficial treatment approaches which will assist you to overcome issues such as trauma, distress, attention, awareness, anxiety, depression, etc. relating to your tinnitus experience.


You can also expect to receive a thorough assessment which is undertaken within guidelines defined by the Tinnitus Research Initiative protocols and in consultation with other treating specialists in the fields of general practice, otorhinolaryngology, neurology and audiology.


Our treatment approaches are based on the neuro-scientific concepts derived from scientific research relating to brain plasticity and brain state changes and utilise a combination of counselling, neurofeedback, and hypnosis.


Our clients report significant reductions in their tinnitus perception and measurable reductions in their levels of anxiety and tinnitus distress.

Unique Trimodal Evidence-Based Approach

Experience - Innovation - Results

The Tinnitus Clinic provides professional evidence-based clinical services that draws from current research understanding of the neuroscience behind tinnitus and which aim to influence brain states in the treatment of tinnitus.


We have developed a unique trimodal evidence-based treatment model which utilises a combination of tinnitus counselling, neurofeedback and hypnosis to therapeutically influence brain plasticity and cognitions which have shown to reduce the perception of tinnitus.


Our clinical protocols are guided by those principles outlined by the Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI). Tools for assessment and evaluation are based on established international questionnaires for tinnitus research.


Our services are provided within a sound and ethical context based on professional and evidence-driven protocols for the treatment of tinnitus.

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Hypnosis is a highly focussed state of attention during which we can perceive and experience things differently. In our daily life we often experience this highly focussed and somewhat detached state, for example, when we are day dreaming or absorbed in a book, or the computer, or watching TV or a film. But when hypnosis is used in the clinical setting, it can help us to make changes we want to achieve by building skills and strengthening inner resources to overcome particular difficulties and problems. So the contemporary understanding of hypnosis is that it is a natural ability we all have (to a greater or smaller extent as we are all different) that we can use in a clinical setting to make desired changes.

With the development of knowledge in the field of neuro-science, we now know that when we are in this highly focussed state of attention, our brains process information differently although knowledge about what happens in the brain during hypnosis is still in its infancy. But what we do know is that when we are focused in this way, we can be especially responsive to new ideas and possibilities that can help us make desired changes. That is, when we are in hypnosis, we are more receptive to suggestions.

Most importantly, however, there are studies (see Resources) which show that hypnosis can be effective in the treatment and management of tinnitus; whilst research into hypnosis and tinnitus is not extensive, it is encouraging and consistent with feedback received to date from our tinnitus clients. Hypnosis can help people with tinnitus become less distressed about the tinnitus and more positive and skilled at managing it. It can sometimes also help with reducing the experience of the tinnitus.

Is hypnosis like being asleep or unconscious?

No, hypnosis is not sleep or being unconscious but generally when used clinically, people are likely to be very relaxed while in hypnosis.


Does the practitioner have power over clients, and can they be made to do things they would not normally do?

No, this myth comes from people seeing stage hypnosis, where subjects are often chosen because of their extreme willingness to go along with the show. In a clinical setting, the purpose of using hypnosis is to help clients achieve their goals, and the relationship between the client and practitioner is one of collaboration and care, not control by the practitioner.


Can everyone be hypnotised?

Most people are capable of experiencing hypnosis and using it for their own positive purposes. Some people are extremely responsive; some are less responsive, but most people will benefit from hypnosis with a trained and skilled practitioner.


Is hypnosis simply relaxation?

No, hypnosis is not just relaxation, although often, when in hypnosis, the person may feel particularly relaxed. However, in hypnosis, the client is mentally active and processing what is being said to them. Also, it is possible to be in hypnosis whilst being physically active. For example, runners can have the experience of "zoning out" whilst running; they are working hard physically, but their minds are highly focused on something else, such as music. There are other examples in war, or sports, where people can lose awareness of pain whilst physically active.


Is hypnotherapy the same as hypnosis?

Although some practitioners refer to themselves as hypnotherapists, hypnosis is really a tool that can be used to deliver or reinforce a particular therapeutic approach. The research shows that hypnosis enhances the outcomes achieved using cognitive behavioural therapy and other psychological therapies. Clinicians find that with the addition of hypnosis, similar or better results are achieved, and in a much shorter time frame.

Tinnitus Counselling 




For some, the onset of tinnitus can be a traumatic experience which may involve feelings of grief and loss as well as emotional and/or physical depletion.


Appropriate and early counselling intervention can have a profound and positive impact on tinnitus coping and habituation.

Tinnitus Counselling offers the understanding and support that can really make a difference for those distressed by their tinnitus.

​Each individual is affected differently by their tinnitus experience and each individual processes tinnitus distress differently.

For some, the onset of tinnitus can be traumatic and this may require specialised counselling skills which are non-directive and encourage exploration of what is important to the individual and what is needed right now.

Also, the physical and psychological fall out from tinnitus requires compassion and support and if the tinnitus experience involves distress then individuals may benefit from speaking to a counsellor trained in trauma counselling, and who understands tinnitus and can draw on personal understanding and experience.

A client-centred counselling approach is imperative in all cases as this facilitates greater discussion of those areas important to the client. Through this process, the counsellor assesses the level of understanding and needs of the client and adjusts their counselling appropriately.

Appropriate counselling can reassure, inform, and empower individuals who need support and this can occur at many stages in the treatment process as the individual is appropriately assessed by other health professionals.

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